Title: Gravity
Media: Acrylic, Pencil on Canvas
Size: 105mm X 151mm
I try to express the pictorical weightlessness.
Title: From " Sentimental Journey"
Media: Acrylic, Pencil on Canvas
Size: 105mm X 151mm

Inspired by  Nobuyoshi Araki's "Sentimental Journey"
Title: The Landscape with Fly Agaric
Media: Acrylic, Pencil on Canvas
Size: 75mm X 50mm
Fry Agaric is a poisoned mushroom and used as a subject matter of many paintings from the Renaissance age. Also Fry Agaric is used in " Alice in Wonderland ", " Fantagia" by Disney and  " The only lovers left arive" by Jim Jarmush as a magical and visionary existance.
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